Minutes of parish council meeting held on July 26th 2023


1.       Apologises. There were none

2.       The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as a correct record.

3.       Matters arising:

a)       Dr Phillips explained that enthusiasm for cricket needed to be encouraged and a date for a cricket match possibly on Sept. 2nd. Help was needed to get this up and running and Mrs Pope said her husband would be willing. The estate would investigate putting a path up the inside of hedge from overflow car park providing a safe route to the cricket field. The grant did not need to be applied for just yet.

4.       The Clerk reported on the state of the stone bridge with overgrown branches and trees growing out of the river into the bridge. She had notified the National Trust who would apply for planning to cut down branches on their side of road, the highways authority denied any responsibility and the environmental agency were not forthcoming unless the growth in the river would cause a flood. Photos of the offending branches and trees had been sent to all authorities but no response had been received.

5.       Planning Applications. There were no objections for the ZE23/00965/FUL and   ZE23/00887/FUL.  Mr Clive reported that the application for the plot at the front of the abattoir had been denied.

6.       There were no matters put forward for next agenda

7.       Mr Rooke would contact Sam Pearce for a time for the rail at church to be installed. 

8.       Mr Deedes explained about the litter pick date for the Avenue and asked for reimbursement for equipment and Mr Rooke reminded him that the parish included Ness and Muscoates.

9.       There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.00pm.

The next meeting to be held on Monday October 30th at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall